Sixth International Conference: CONSOLFOOD 2025
5-6-7 May 2025MARSEILLE - FRANCE
Please download our Flyer (pdf)
Fifth International Conference: CONSOLFOOD 2023
12-13-14 July 2023A CORUÑA-SPAIN
Please see our tentative programme (pdf) fore more details.
Proceedings CONSOLFOOD 2023
9th CONSOLFOOD Webinar: "Solar Baking: NeoLoco Solar Bakery (France)"
Monday, 3rd April 2023
Arnaud Crétot is a French engineer and artisan. He started in France (Normandy) the first European solar bakery, and solar roasting activity, named NeoLoco in end 2019. NeoLoco employs now 3 full time people, received more than 100 artisans from France and abroad for training, which have already started 10 other solar artisan activities in France replicating NeoLoco's organization. They all use Lytefire ovens. Arnaud is also involved at Solar Fire Concentration, a Finish company that develops Lytefire technology, as CEO and co-founder since 2014. The webinar is a synthesis of a key part of the forthcoming book ("La Boulangerie Solaire", éditions Terre Vivante) written by Arnaud. A suitable technology should be adopted when running an economic activity with intermittent energy source, but the business organisation to fit energy availability is a breaking point.
The lecture will be in English.
Please see this flyer (pdf) fore more details.Please see the recording of the presentation.
The conference has taken place via Zoom on 24th, 25th and 26th January, 2022. This was our fourth conference, and we have attracted, once again, top experts from all over the world to present and discuss topics related to advances in solar food processing and solar cooking.Please see the Programme (pdf) fore more details.
Please see the recordings of the presentations.
8th CONSOLFOOD Webinar: "Solar Cooking: a great solar passion of two argentine ladies -
Cocina solar: una gran pasión de dos argentinas"
Mirta and Virginia are from Argentina. Mirta is living in Netherlands and Virginia in Argentina. Both are enthusiasts of solar cooking and well contaminated with solar cooking virus. They have prepared for us an interesting lecture on solar cooking for all people interested in learning about experiences of Mirta and Virginia, and on solar cooking potentialities by using different designs of solar cookers.
We will show the videos on Saturday, 22nd October 2022, starting at 2:30 pm Lisbon time.Please see this flyer (pdf) fore more details.
The complete recorded file of the webinar will be soon upload to the CONSOLFOOD Webinars Educast platform
7th CONSOLFOOD Webinar: "Baking a solar bread"
We will show the videos on July, 4th, 2021, starting at 2:45 pm Lisbon time.Please see this flyer (pdf) fore more details.
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 7th webinar
6th Webinar CONSOLFOOD: "The Lightoven - how solar cooking changes the cook"
21st March 2021 starting at 16:45 (Lisbon time).Dr. Hartmut Ehmler, Germany
Find more informaton in this pdf file
Presentation Dr. Hartmut Ehmler (pdf)
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 6th webinar
Special meeting CONSOLFOOD
Spreading our passion for solar cooking
24 th January 2021
Download Flyer (pdf)5th Webinar CONSOLFOOD: "Cocção solar de alimentos: aplicações práticas da energia solar para o desenvolvimento sustentável sustentável"
30th May 2020 starting at 19:00 (Lisbon time).Luiz Guilherme Meira de Souza, Brasil
Find more informaton in this pdf file
Presentation Luiz Guilherme Meira de Souza
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 5th webinar
4th Webinar CONSOLFOOD: "Practical use of solar cooker and my experiences with solar cooking"
30th May 2020 starting at 14:45 (New Delhi time).Mr. Hemant Deshpande: M. E. (Mechanical - Design Engineering), Miraj, India
Find more informaton in this pdf file
Presentation Hemant Deshpande (pdf)
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 4th webinar
3rd Webinar CONSOLFOOD: Luther Krueger's "Museum of Solar Cookers"
2nd May 2020 starting at 17:15 h (Lisbon time).Luther Krueger, Minneapolis MN, USA
Find more informaton in this pdf file
Pictorial survey of most of Luther's 57 cookers (pdf)
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 3rd webinar
2nd Webinar CONSOLFOOD Padre Himalaia, Grande Pioneiro da Energia Solar
6 April 2020 starting at 15 h (Lisbon time).Jacinto Rodrigues, Professor Catedrático da Universidade do Porto (speaking Portuguese) and
Jean-Jacques Serra, Physicist (speaking Spanish)
Find more informaton in this pdf file
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 2nd webinar
Please download the presentation of Jacinto Rodrigues and Jean-Jacques Serra
1 st Webinar CONSOLFOOD Spreading the solar cooking virus"
28th March 2020 starting at 16h45min (Lisbon time) 21h15min (New Delhi time).Dr Ajay Chandak from India is the invited speaker giving a lecture on Solar and Renewable Cooking in Crisis Time.
Find more informaton in this pdf file
For those of you who could not take part, here is the recording of the 1st webinar.
The 2020 reunion of the solar family is over:

CONSOLFOOD2020 Proceedings (pdf)
CONSOLFOOD2020 Presentations as pdf files
Prof. Pedro Serrano Rodriguez has published an open letter to the participants of CF2020 and the whole solar cooking community:
Download the original Spanish version
Download the English translated version
22, 23 and 24 Jan. 2020
programme version 7(pdf)
Flyer CF2020(pdf)
Instituto Superior de Engenharia
Universidade do Algarve
Campus da Penha
8005-139 Faro